Comparison and Contrast
Today I took the examination test all four lesson about recount, narrative, descriptive and procedure. I can did it , it rather not difficult and I think certain pass.
What did you learn today ?
Today I learnt a comparison and contrast. A comparison-contrast pattern presents similarities (comparison) between two or more things, or both similarities and differences. Authors use it when they want to explain or describe how to or more things are alike or different. They use it when they want to present opposing sides of an issue (such as the issue of gun control or capital punishment). Authors often use the following markers to point out comparison and contrast :
To show comparison or similarities like both, same, similar, to resemble, similarity, in common, identical, similarly, in the same way, in the same manner etc.
To show contrast or differences like to differ, to distinguish, to contrast, to oppose, difference, while, whereas, in contrast, yet, unlike etc.
What did you find easy ?
I think it has not easy.
What did you find difficult ?
I think content rather difficult because it must to read more.
What did you solve the problem ?
